Here I have adjusted and put the float/sender in place for a test fit. It is in the EMPTY position. There is exactly 1/8 of an inch gap, from the bottom, which is what Vans recommends. *Tip 1) The float can be flipped over to the opposite side of the wire holder, if needed(I did this to prevent the float from interfering with the stiffener flange). 2) Be sure to bend the very end of the wire 90 degrees,then snap it into the wire holders. This prevents the wire from possibly sliding out of the sender and most builders miss this step. This is not covered in Vans directions.
Here is the float in the FULL position. I finished the test by checking the resistance with a volt/ohm meter. All of this isn't to critical if you are planning on installing a modern EFIS EMS, which I plan on doing. They have you add two gals of fuel at a time, upon installation, and calculate everything so that it's exact everytime.
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